when you're...

*life is seriously tough*

anywhere, anytime, & anyhow...

when you're a student, you'll face problems as what student will face...
when you're working, you'll face problems at your work place...

when you're already facing 1 problem, other problems will come at the same time...
when you're already feeling frustrated over 1 thing, other things will still come and make you even more frustrated...

when you're going through all this hardships, will you ask God why is my life like this?
when you're in need, will you ask God to help you continue to trust in Him?

when you're facing difficulties, what would you do?
when you're facing troubles, would you continue to trust God?

when you're feeling down, would you ask God to make you strong?
when you're feeling upset, would you ask God to comfort and be with you?

when you're facing all this, did you ever wonder why God want to put us through all this?
when you're...
facing problems...
feeling frustrated...
going through hardships...
facing difficulties...
feeling down & upset...
did you ever wonder what is God's purpose by putting you through all those circumstances?

press on...
press on...
press on...
keep pressing on...
press on...
press on...!!!!


2 Responses to "when you're..."

Anonymous said... 7:37 PM

When i read this, i was reminded of the song 'Still' by Hillsong. and i realized that its under the album entitled 'Hope'.

2) Find rest my soul,
In Christ alone,
Know His Path,
In quietness and trust

Ch: When the ocean rise and
thunders roar,
I will soar with you above the
Father you are King over the
I will be still and know You
are God.

God never allows you to go through things that you are not capable to withstand, tough situations that you are going through might be a test God puts you through to train you up for something bigger. He sees the capability in you to do so, and He will grant you the strength you need, be it through the Bible or people around you. Yes, certainly there is a purpose God put u in situations like this..one of the reason i can think of is to draw you nearer to Himself as you seek Him? let me echo the song again,' i will be still, and know that HE is God'.

Problems are inevitable in life. but do know that in everything, He is in control.

you'll be fine..i just know =)

PauLeonG said... 11:44 PM

thank jam =) its very encouraging

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